cpanel Knowledge Base

cpanel Knowledge Base

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How to Install and Configure CloudLinux on cPanel

How to Install and Configure CloudLinux on cPanel

How to Install and Configure CloudLinux on cPanel

The following guide will walk you through how to install CloudLinux and configure things like the PHP Selector, MySQL Governor, CageFS, and the LVE Manager, and others.

Installing CloudLinux

Before you can install CloudLinux, you must have either a key, or an IP based license. When you purchased your license through NDC Host, you are issued an IP based license.

Log in to your server through SSH

Use the following sections to start installing CloudLinux:

For IP based license

sh cldeploy -i

Once this is complete, reboot the server to start on the new CloudLinux Kernel.

For Key based license

sh cldeploy -k <insert key here>

Once this is complete, reboot the server to start on the new CloudLinux Kernel.

Installing the LVE Manager and CageFS

Once CloudLinux has been installed, you will need to install the LVE and CageFS to be able to use the rest of the features.

Run the following commands:

yum -y install lvemanager cagefs
cagefsctl --init
cagefsctl --enable-all

Setting up LVEmanager in WHM

Once that has been installed, a new option in WHM will be under PluginsCloudlinux LVE Manager will allow you to see packages and usage settings. You can change available resources by WHM package type.

Installing MySQL Governor

If you are using MySQL, run the following:

yum remove db-governor db-governor-mysql
yum install governor-mysql 
/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/ --install

If you are using MariaDB:

make sure to specify your MariaDB version instead of XX as follows:

MariaDB v5.5 55
MariaDB v10.0 100
MariaDB v10.1 101
yum install governor-mysql 
/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/db-select-mysql --mysql-version=mariadbXX
/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/ --install

Configuring MySQL Governor

To configure and use the MySQL governor, you will need to use the dbctl command in the command line. This feature does not have a cPanel or WHM interface.

Installing PHP Selector

You must have the CageFS and LVE Manager already set up before you can use this.

Run the following from the command line:

yum groupinstall alt-php
yum update cagefs lvemanager

Configuring the PHP Selector

Once the PHP selector has been installed, you can configure the base options for each version of PHP inside of WHM under the CloudLinux LVE Manager. To change versions per cPanel account, log in to cPanel and make the changes under the Select PHP Version button under Software.

Installing Python and Ruby Selector

Very similar to the PHP Selector, you can also install the Python and Ruby selectors to be able to change your versions on the fly as well as create directories for projects inside of cPanel.

Run the following commands in SSH to install the Python and Ruby selectors:

yum install lvemanager alt-python-virtualenv alt-mod-passenger
yum groupinstall alt-python
yum groupinstall alt-ruby 
yum install alt-python27-devel

Configuring the Python and Ruby Selector

Once the selectors have been installed, you can access them inside of cPanel under Software

Installing Apache mod_lsapi

Apache mod_lsapi is based on the Litespeed apache replacement. It can improve performance for many web sites.

Make sure that your server meets the requirements before attempting to use this


CageFS (installed and initialized) Alt-PHP Apache with SuExecuUserGroup directive for each user’s VirtualHost mod_ruid2 disabled apache itk disabled

Installing Apache mod_lsapi

Log into SSH and run the following commands:

yum install liblsapi liblsapi-devel --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing
yum install cpanel-mod-lsapi --enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing
/usr/bin/switch_mod_lsapi --setup
/usr/bin/switch_mod_lsapi --enable-global
service httpd restart

mod_lsapi does not require any additional configuration and is ready to start using immediately after installing.

Installing OptimumCache

OptimumCache is a file cache system specifically designed to help speed up shared hosting. This means that common CMS platforms like WordPress and Joomla will see a lot of benefit with this installed.

To install this run the following in SSH:

yum install optimumcache

Configuring OptimumCache

OptimumCache is very easy to configure for a basic cPanel setup. If you have your home directory somewhere else, be sure to modify the command to point OptimumCache to the right place.

Run the following command to configure OptimumCache:

occtl --recursive --mark-dir /home

How Reset Your Service Password

Reset Your Service Password

To reset your service password :

1. Login to your account at the client area at the link

2. Go to the ( Service ) and click on (My Service) menu to got a list of your service .

3. choose the service name you need to manage and click on (View Details) to start manage it .

4. in the product page , you will find a part of ( Change Password ) which will allow you to change the password for your account .

5. Enter Your New Password and Confirm New Password .

6. Click on Save Changes Button .

How to make Password protection

Password protection

* Password protection allows you to require a username and password when users attempt to access your site from the web. This is useful if you need to limit access to a certain part of your site .

To make Pass word Protection:

1- go to your cpanel link (your domain/cpanel) .

2- Click on Password protection Directories on Your Clint Area .

3- Select the directory that you wish to open then click on Go bottom .

4- Click the name of the folder that you wish to protect to select it , click a folder’s icon to open it .

5- Wright your Username in Username box .

6- Wright your new Password in new Password box

and confirm password in confirm password box .

7- Click on add or modify the authorized user .

8- Click Go back .

How to make a Redirects

How to make a Redirects

How to make a Redirects

To make a Redirects :

* Redirects allow you to redirect a specific page to another page and display the contents of that second page. You can use this method to make a page that has a long URL accessible through a page with a shorter and easier-to-remember URL..

1- go to your cpanel link (your domain/cpanel) .

2- Click on Redirects on Your Clint Area .

3- Choose a domain from http://(www.)? box .

4- Type in the URL where you want to redirects in (redirects to) box .

5- Select type of (www) redirection .

6- Decide if you would like to make if you want click on wild card redirects .

7- Click on add .

8- Then go back .

How to Create Subdomains

How to Create Subdomains

How to Create Subdomains

* Subdomains are URLs for different sections of your website. They use your main domain name and a prefix.

For example, if your domain is “domain .com”, a subdomain of your domain might be “support.domain .com”.

To Create Subdomains :

1- go to your cpanel link (your domain/cpanel) .

2- Click on Subdoamains on Your Clint Area .

3- Write a prefix of your Subdomain in subdomain box .

4- Click in create button .

How To create database

How To create database

How To create database

* MySQL databases allow you to store a large amount of information in an easy to access manner. The databases themselves are not easily read by humans. MySQL databases are required by many web applications including some bulletin boards, content management systems, and others. To use a database, you’ll need to create it. Only MySQL users (different than mail or other users) that have privileges to access a database can read from or write to that database .

To create your database :

1- go to your cpanel link (your domain/cpanel) .

2- Click on my SQL databases on Your Clint Area .

3- write your database name in new data base box .

4- click in create database .

5- then go back .

How to Restore Database Backup

How to Restore Database Backup

How to Restore Database Backup

* Backups allow you to download a zipped copy of your entire site or specific parts of your site, such as your home directory, databases, email forwarder configuration, or your email filters configuration. The server does not automatically schedule these backups. If you wish to use scheduled backups, contact your service provider.

To restore your Database Backup

1- go to your cpanel link (your domain/cpanel) .

2- Click on Backups on Your Clint Area .

3- Click on choose file bottom and choose files who want to restore(Restore a MySQL Database) .

4- Click on Upload bottom .

How to Restore Email backup

How to Restore Email backup

How to Restore Email backup

* Backups allow you to download a zipped copy of your entire site or specific parts of your site, such as your home directory, databases, email forwarder configuration, or your email filters configuration. The server does not automatically schedule these backups. If you wish to use scheduled backups, contact your service provider.

To Restore you Email backup :

1- go to your cpanel link (your domain/cpanel) .

2- Click on Backups on Your Clint Area .

3- Click on choose file bottom and choose files who want to restore ( Restore Email Forwarders ) .

4- Click on Upload bottom .

How to make Email backup

How to make Email backup

How to make Email backup

* Backups allow you to download a zipped copy of your entire site or specific parts of your site, such as your home directory, databases, email forwarder configuration, or your email filters configuration. The server does not automatically schedule these backups. If you wish to use scheduled backups, contact your service provider.

To make Email backup :

1- go to your cpanel link (your domain/cpanel) .

2- Click on Backups on Your Clint Area .

3- Download Email forwarders .

How to create FTP account

create FTP account

create FTP account

* FTP accounts allow you to access your website’s files through a protocol called FTP. Use a third-party FTP program to access your files. To log into your account via FTP, enter “” as your FTP host, the username, and password.

To create FTP account :

1- go to your cpanel link (your domain/cpanel) .

2- Click in ftp account .

3- Write a user name to your FTP account in login box .

4- Write a password and rewrite the password in password and password (again) boxes .

5- Choose a directory for this user to have access in directory box .

6- Set the Quota if you need in Quota box .

7- Click in create button .

8- Then go back .